Increibles Noticias desde Bogotá

Bike Use in Bogota Jumps 900%, Boosts Local Bike Retailers
"...Bogotá, COLOMBIA-- Sales of Trek, GT, Schwinn, Bianchi and Giant have increased 80% at Bici Ruta, a bike retailer in Bogotá, Colombia. Bici Ruta is not the only retailer who is selling increasing numbers of bikes and accessories; business is booming for bike dealers throughout Bogotá, a city of 7 million people. Why the sudden jump?..."
"...This year, Bogotá completed a network of "Ciclo-Rutas", 300 kilometers of bicycle paths, the most extensive dedicated bike path network in the world. The new paths, coupled with other bike promotion measures, have caused a 900% increase in cycling. In 1997 only 0.5% of the population used the bicycle as a means of transportation, today more than 5% do it..."
La Misión del ITDP
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) was founded in 1985 to promote environmentally sustainable and equitable transportation policies and projects worldwide. ITDP was created by leading sustainable transport advocates in the U.S. to counteract promotion of the U.S. model of costly and
environmentally damaging dependence on the private automobile in developing countries and countries in transition.
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