Want to take action against car culture but don't know what to do?
Anything that you want to do or think you are capable of doing.
That is what direct action is all about. The best actions are those which are full of colour and laughter. People respond best to ideas presented to them in a fun way. The most successful actions fall into these four "categories":
The most fun and colourful educational acts which reveal all the problems of car culture - beyond the pollution argument and into habitat destruction, resource extraction and human rights abuse,the loss of community space in our cities etc.- presented in a fun fashion.
The most radical (and therefore attention grabbing) actions which confront the hypocrisies in the system or the lies in the advertising and tell the real truth.
The locally focussed actions - which link to a real or planned project in your area.
Amics de la Bici (Amigos de la Bici) luchamos desde el año 1981 para conseguir que la bicicleta sea un medio de transporte respetado y promocionado. Desde nuestra vinculación al movimiento ecologista y pacifista catalán de base, trabajamos para un país y ciudades sin contaminación. Lo conseguiremos restringiendo progresivamente el abuso del coche privado, mejorando el transporte público, y potenciando el ir a pie y en bicicleta. Queremos lugares y calles recuperados para la vecindad, donde los niños y niñas puedan jugar y, en general, todas las personas convivir. Queremos la pacificación del tráfico. Defendemos los derechos de las personas que utilizan la bicicleta como medio de transporte. Y lo hacemos a través de la elaboración de proyectos, la presión sobre las administraciones, la colaboración con más entidades, la organización de actos divulgativos, lúdicos o reivindicativos, así como las acciones directas no violentas. No estamos solos: nos coordinamos a nivel catalán, español-peninsular y europeo, siendo miembros de la Coordinadora Catalana de Usuarios/as de la Bici, ConBici (Coordinadora Ibérica En Defensa de la Bici) y de la ECF (Federación de Ciclistas Europeos ). Tú también puedes ayudarnos. Usa la bicicleta para ir al trabajo, al mercado, a la escuela, al cine... hazte socio/a de Amics de la Bici o, simplemente, participa en alguna de nuestras actividades.
Contacta con nosotros:

"What’s this all about?" ask amused and bemused pedestrians on Market Street as hundreds of noisy, high-spirited bicyclists ride past, yelling and ringing their bells. There are a wide variety of answers: "It’s about banning cars." "It’s about having fun in the street." "It’s about a more social way of life." "It’s about asserting our right to the road". "It’s about solidarity." Critical Mass is many things to many people, and while many concepts expressed may evoke memories of past political protests, Critical Mass is foremost a celebration, not a protest.
Critical Mass got started in September 1992 in San Francisco as a way to bring these various populations together in a festive re-claiming of public space. The idea was initially conceived by one person, who bounced the idea off other cyclists. San Francisco’s prominent bicycle messenger community was enlisted primarily through word of mouth, while commuters were reached by someone standing in the middle of the financial district passing out flyers.
Critical Massifesto
Critical Mass offers itself as an antidote to the elimination of public space which plagues our lives. We no longer know (if we ever did) why we need public space, and we surely don't know what to do with it when we have it. So we roll along in a Critical Mass, vibrating with the peculiarly unique euphoria that comes from displacing the noisy, dirty stream of cars and being surrounded by interesting and attractive people. We exchange ideas and learn about new things in a simple, "natural" community of bicyclists who have chosen to voluntarily gather in our monthly organized coincidence. As this experience becomes more common and familiar we begin to develop ideas about life's possibilities that are considerably richer and more communal than the atomized, individualistic solutions that are the only ones that make sense when we are trapped in our "normal" late-capitalist lives.
Critical Mass essays, flyers, images from San Francisco, 1992-1998

Transportation is one of the primary arenas in which wealth is transferred from the majority of the population to the wealthy few. Independent of the state of mind of the participants—whether captains of finance or office workers, industrial titans or factory wage-slaves—the process of wealth formation and its eventual concentration in the hands of a few is a process that offers a framework to understand the deeper meaning of the recent "uprising" of bicyclists in San Francisco and around the world.
http://www.scorcher.org/cmhistory/classncycling.html WE'RE SORRY!
We're sorry you are stuck in your car in a traffic jam. Gridlock is more and more common these days... it'll probably go on getting worse, unless we do something.
We're sorry if we've contributed to your delay, but please recognize that we bicyclists are ignored, obstructed and physically threatened ALL THE TIME, EVERY DAY. This "Critical Mass" ride home is an organized coincidence that happens once a month, giving bicyclists of all persuasions the chance to see that we are not alone, and that we, too, have a right to the road.
We're sorry that absurd and mean-spirited decisions about how we live are made behind the closed doors of the corporate and government elite, leading to a suicidal dependence on the automobile and the oil industry, a cancer epidemic and general ecological catastrophe. We know there are better alternatives, and our monthly ride demonstrates one of them.
We're sorry that we all go on reproducing this silly and self-degrading way of life, instead of throwing it over and making a life worth living. Why should we do jobs which make our lives worse due to toxic waste or pollution? Why are our best intentions always corrupted by the need to "make a living"? These questions have complex and difficult answers, answers worth looking into. But for now...
We're sorry you're not already out here on your bicycle riding with us! But we heartily invite you to join us next time. Remember, every day is a good bicycling day! Meet at the foot of Market Street on the last working Friday of the each month at 5:30 p.m.
Der Weg ist das Ziel...
FazitWas habe ich mir vor dieser Reise unter Südamerika vorgestellt? Wir war das noch?... Dschungel, viele Mücken, Hitze, lange und unendlich erscheinende Landstriche... Und doch ist es ganz anders! Viel besser, schöner, einladender und abwechslungsreicher als ich es jemals erwartet hätte! Doch es gab nicht nur schöne Erfahrungen. Die Andersartigkeit der Menschen, die trockenen Wüsten, die hohen Berge, die eisigen Temperaturen, zahlreiche Mücken und tropische Hitze haben mich oftmals verzweifeln lassen - und doch waren diese Strapazen nichts gegen die Erfahrungen, die ich von dieser Reise mit nach Hause genommen habe. Eines ist sicher: Ich war bestimmt nicht das letzte Mal in Südamerika. Einmal mehr ist mir die Maxime aller Reiseradler bewusst geworden:
Der Weg ist das Ziel...
Etnografia Asimetrica
Am Abend besuche ich Hans aus Hamburg in seinem Hotel, obwohl mir mein Körper sagt, dass ich unbedingt schlafen gehen sollte. Kraftlos quäle ich mich die vielen Treppenstufen nach oben zu seinem Hotel. Hans freut sich über meinen Besuch und wir sitzen bis Mitternacht auf der Terrasse mit tollem Ausblick auf die in der Dunkelheit liegenden Yungas. Hans erzählt mir, dass er schon seit Feuerland mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs ist. Und das in seinem stattlichen Alter von 63 Jahren! Gleich nachdem er Rentner geworden ist, hat er sich auf den Weg gemacht seinen lange gehegten Traum zu erfüllen, gegen den Willen seiner Frau, was wohl das Beachtlichste an der ganzen Sache ist. Er ist im Januar losgefahren und möchte es bis zum Dezember nach Venezuela geschafft haben. Als ich zurück zu meinem Hotel gehe, stehe ich dort vor verschlossenen Türen! So ein Mist! Lange stehe ich am Eingang und drücke auf die Klingel, ohne dass irgendeine Reaktion folgt. Ich klettere über Mauern und schleiche mich um das ganze Hotel, um einen Eingang zu finden. Es ist unfassbar! Selbst die Hintertüren sind von innen mit dicken Kettenschlössern gesichert! Ich benutze meine Kamera als Taschenlampe und schleiche wie ein Dieb durch das ganze Gebäude. Die einzigen geöffneten Türen führen mich in zwei modrig riechende Schlafkammern für das Personal, wo ich allerdings niemanden antreffe. Ich finde eine morsche Leiter und denke schon daran so in das Hotel zu kommen. In einem nahe gelegenen Häuschen brennt noch Licht. Entnervt klettere ich über dessen Mauer und klopfe an die Tür. Ich habe Glück, dass der Hausmeister hier wohnt. Verdutzt öffnet er die Tür und fragt mich was denn los sei. Aus dem Inneren des Hauses kommt eine müde Frauenstimme: "¿Quien es?". "Nur ein Gringo." antwortet er ihr. Na, vielen Dank auch! Ich erkläre ihm die Lage und nachdem er sich selbst davon überzeugt hat, dass der Nachtportier nicht öffnen will, holt er den Kellner, der auch in der Nähe wohnt. Der wiederum weckt durch ein Fenster die Chefin und die wiederum weckt den schlafenden Nachtportier. Nach einer Weile öffnet dieser mir mit Kissenfalten im Gesicht die Tür. Wenn ich nicht selbst total müde wäre, hätte ich ihn als unfähiges "sonstwas" beschimpft. Ich bin zu nichts mehr zu gebrauchen und falle ohne vorher die Zähne zu putzen ins Bett.
Schlepper für ein Hotel
Auf einer gepflasterten Straße geht es 7 Kilometer bergauf nach Coroico. Ich fühle ich mich ein wenig wie Superman, da ich nach den Wochen auf dem Altiplano dünnere Luft gewohnt bin und hier in der dicken Luft keine Atemprobleme mehr habe. Selbst den verkrusteten Hals spüre ich kaum noch, und das obwohl ich gerade erst hier unten angekommen bin. Trotzdem nähere ich mich dem Dorf nur schleichend und als ich die Plaza erreiche, ist die Dämmerung bereits hereingebrochen. Sofort kommen zwei Leute auf mich zu; nach den ganzen Strapazen bin ich kaum noch fähig irgendetwas aufzunehmen. Einer von ihnen läuft winkend hinter mir her und ruft "Hello!" um auf sich aufmerksam zu machen, der andere ist ein Schlepper für ein Hotel. Es ist kaum zu glauben! Der grauhaarige Mann, der hinter mit hergelaufen ist, ist ein Reiseradler aus Hamburg!!! Wir verabreden uns für heute Abend und ich wende mich wieder dem Schlepper zu.
Er habe da ein nettes kleines Hotel, sagt er mir. Für nur 40 Bs (5 Euro) die Nacht könne ich dort inklusive Frühstück übernachten. Gutgläubig gehe ich auf das Angebot ein. Als ich vor dem
beschriebenen Hotel stehe, bin ich doch etwas verdutzt. Das ist tatsächlich die Nobelhütte, die ich schon beim Aufstieg gesehen habe und als unbezahlbar eingestuft habe. Ich frage ein gut gekleidetes Pärchen, das vom Hotel kommt, ob das denn wirklich so billig sei. Die verstehen die Frage nicht, sagen mir aber, wo die Rezeption sei. Ok, an der Rezeption kommt dann der Hammer: Die nette Dame lässt mich wissen, dass mich die Übernachtung 80 Bs ohne Frühstück kostet. Ich hätte kaum noch die Kraft zu einem anderen Hotel zu gehen, tue aber so als ob: "Der Mann dort oben hat mir aber gesagt, dass ich es für 40 Bolivianos MIT Frühstück bekommen könnte." sage ich ihr.
Ihre Antwort ist für mich total unerwartet: "Ok, das ist dann ein spezieller Preis. Aber nur, weil Dir das der Chico dort oben gesagt hat, entiendes? Aber nicht weitersagen!" So langsam liebe ich diese Schlepperkultur hier in Bolivien und das Feilschen um die Preise! Besonders, da das sogar selbst in guten Hotels zu funktionieren scheint. Beim Anblick meines Zimmers kippe ich dann fast aus meinen verschwitzten Latschen. Ich habe
frische Bettwäsche und ein eigenes Bad mit gewaschenem Handtuch, BD (naja), Badewanne UND
einer Rolle Klopapier!!! Ich bin total perplex!
Ich mache eine ganz neue Erfahrung. Wenn ich bis jetzt immer von so genannten "Wellblechpisten" gelesen habe, habe ich mir darunter ernsthaft aus Wellblech erbaute Straßen vorgestellt. Warum irgendjemand Straßen aus Wellblech bauen sollte, habe ich allerdings nie verstanden. Und heute verstehe ich erst, was mit dieser Form von "Wellblech" wirklich gemeint ist! Da die sandigen Schotterstraßen hier recht stark befahren sind, bildet sich durch die von den Fahrzeugen hervorgerufene Erosion im Laufe der Jahre ein Wellblechmuster. Dadurch bildet sich eine steinharte quer zur Fahrtrichtung verlaufende Wellblechform auf der Straße. Was das bedeutet, kann sich jeder selbst ausmalen. Es ist exakt so, als wenn man versuchen würde mit dem Rad auf einem Wellblechdach zu fahren! Und dieses gemeine Wellblech gibt es auch noch in unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen. Mal sind es nur kleine Wellen in der Straße, mal sind es Wellen mit je 10cm Höhenunterschied und 20cm Abstand voneinander. Damit wird das fahren zu reinsten Horror.
Traum SüdamerikaDownload des
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Teil 2 (14,9 MB)
Cycling & Touring Software
Cycling ist das umfassende Fahrrad-Tagebuch für Anfänger und Profis. Speichern Sie alle wichtigen Trainingswerte: Strecke, Zeit, max Tempo, Temperatur, Wetterlage, Puls usw. und lassen Sie Cycling daraus Statistiken errechnen und Graphiken zeichnen.
- Streckenverwaltung für den einfachen Zugriff auf häufig verwendete Strecken
- Streckenlänge, Zeit, max Tempo, Pulswerte, Gewicht als wichtigste Eingabewerte
- Einfache Zahleneingabe durch Tippen für alle wichtigen Trainings- und Fitnesswerte
- Speicherung von Temperatur und Wetter eine genauere Leistungsanalyse
- Unterstützung für verschiedene Entfernungs-, Gewichts- und Temperatureinheiten
- Ausführliche Statistiken für Strecke, Gewicht und Puls
- Detailierte Grafiken für Tempo, Gewicht und Puls
http://www.fietspad.de/Este Sitio Web por ser único en la calidad de su diseño flash, despliegue de capitulos, mapas, fotos. Textos muy pequeños.
http://www.backintheworld.com/Este por las rutas suramericanas y la animacion flash de su mapa.
http://www.dj-dodo.de/Home.htmFür uns war es sehr schnell klar, dass wir etwas von der Welt sehen wollen und zwar nicht aus der Perspektive eines Pauschaltouristen, sondern aus der Perspektive eines Fahrradreisenden.
Radreisen von Tristan Wegner
Mit dem Fahrrad um die halbe Welt - Quer durch den Himalaya

Down, down, down A couple of days later we had to say good-bye to the highlands. Our next destination was the Amazon Basin. The 80 km descent to the jungle is spectacular. First the road is wide and paved but beyond the town of Baños the valley narrows and the highway becomes an unpaved track cut out of the mountains. Small waterfalls are splashing on the road and more than once we had to wade through small streams crossing the road. During the rainy season this road is often blocked by landslides. With every km we descended the vegetation became greener and more tropical. Orchids and giant fern trees grew along the road and we saw the first hummingbirds. Just before our destination, the small jungle town of Puyo, the canyon widened and we had good views of the Amazon jungle below us. The waters of the river that was flowing below us would finally reach the Atlantic Ocean, more than 4000 km to the east! Beyond Puyo the road became increasingly bad. Potholes and rocks slowed our speed significantly. Most of the day we did not average more than 10 km per hour. So when an Ecuadorian family in a 4X4 truck stopped and offered us a ride to Puerto Missahualli, our next destination, we gladly accepted.

Der Tourenträger ist für Reisen mit grossem Gepäck bestens geeignet.
Dank robuster Vierpunktbefestigung mit verstellbaren Streben lässt sich der Träger problemlos an praktisch allen Velos montieren.
Grosse seitliche Auflageflächen verhindern, dass die Tourentaschen in die Speichen geraten. Zelt, Isomatte und Schlafsack finden auf der geräumigen Ladefläche sicheren Halt.
Das Rücklicht wird stosssicher und gut sichtbar unter der Gepäckladefläche befestigt.
Material : rostbeständiger Stahl 4301
Gewicht : 720 g
Oberfläche : gebürstet
Ladekapazität : 30 kg
Verkaufspreis : Fr. 189.-
Seit 1985 haben sich unsere Gepäckträger auf Weltreisen und auf Ferientouren bewährt und sie leisten im Alltag treue Dienste.
Für ein langes Leben gemacht Wir löten die Gepäckträger bei uns in Zürich aus nahtlos kaltgezogenen, rostbeständigen Präzisionsstahlrohren der Qualität 4301. Diese Materialqualität mit einer Zugfestigkeit von 650 N/mm2 und die Verlötung mit Silberlot bei 640-660 Grad gewährleisten eine hohe Stabilität und vor allem Langlebigkeit. Die niedrige Löttemperatur schont das Gefüge des Stahls, welcher sehr zäh ist und somit den wechselnden Belastungen mühelos standhält. Ausserdem lässt sich Stahl in Notfällen gut schweissen und damit reparieren, was ein grosser Vorteil gegenüber Aluminium ist. Die Oberfläche wird chemisch gereinigt und gebürstet.

Das Discovery trägt Ihnen auch 100 Liter Trinkwasser durch die Wüste. Solange der Biomotor Puste hat, macht das Rad mit.
Kompromisslos der Rahmenbau mit 11/8 Steuerung als auch die Komponentenwahl mit Deore XT- und Rohloff-Ausrüstung.
Adventure Der Globetrotter
Der muffenlos hartgelötete CroMo-Rahmen mit genialer verwindungssteifer Konstruktion ist mit den besten und zuverlässigsten Tourenkomponenten ausgerüstet.
Der hohe Fahrkomfort dieses Rades kommt dem Reisenden töglich und bei jeder Tretbewegung zugute.
Experience Der Globetrotter
Der muffenlos hartgelötete CroMo-Rahmen mit genialer verwindungssteifer Konstruktion ist mit den besten und zuverlässigsten Tourenkomponenten ausgerüstet.
Der hohe Fahrkomfort dieses Rades kommt dem Reisenden töglich und bei jeder Tretbewegung zugute.

26 inch wheel touring bike for severe conditions)
Can accept any 26 inch tire, from road tires up to normal mountain bike tires and anything in between.
Equipped with braze-ons for our 4130 tubular steel racks, 3 water bottle mounts, fender mounts, and cable stops for brakes and gears.
Standard sizes: 34,39,44,49,54cm. The smallest size has a standover height of 26.75 inches with MTB tires.
The tubing is sufficiently heavy gauge for carrying camping touring loads, but light enough for everyday mountain biking. long enough for proper heel clearance with panniers.
Frame and fork-TIG welded at Bruce Gordon Cycles, Petaluma, California.
Standard colors: Powder coated in Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Metallic Black.
If you're looking for the ultimate touring bicycle, you've found it. The Sakkit Expedition 26 touring bicycle is the most highly functional touring bicycle ever built. One of the most prominent features of the Sakkit Expedition 26 touring bicycle is its long wheelbase design. It's a more comfortable, efficient, all-around design compared to other touring bicycles which are often little more than bicycles designed with road racing geometry, and built with stout tubing.
Classically, in the Northern hemisphere , a " touring" bike will be made with relatively expensive, strong but light weight tubing .It will be very stable in its handling and comfortable to ride for long periods, with relaxed, shock absorbing geometry and a leather saddle. It's likely to have narrow, low resistance tyres, narrow drop bars and a high top bar, brazed-on rack mounts, preferably mountings for three bottles , double eyelets front and rear, proper mudguards , and a dynamo lighting system. It will be fast - over good roads, anyway - but uncomfortable or impossible over the rough for extended periods. Such bikes are most practical on the well paved roads of in Europe or North America , where high population densities provide the infrastructure of well sealed roads and established hospitality services. In those environments, touring by bike is feasible with very little luggage ( "credit card touring" in the USA , or what the British call "hostelling tours") and for that purpose the classic touring bike is fine. However, it might be more useful to think of these bikes, especially with their 700C wheels, as light tourers.
What the touring bike lacks is "rough road" capability, and perhaps the capacity easily to carry the extra amount of luggage - tent, sleeping bag, food, cooking equipment, and especially water - required for a fully self supported bicycle camping tour, away from hostels and restaurants.
In Australia, the variability of road surfaces and the relatively sparse availability of services, as well as a harsher summer climate, mean that the touring bike of the Northern hemisphere is less than fully practical. Here, unless we are prepared to stay on busy highways - or spend a lot of time in a SAG bus - we need to be able to cope with at least some rough roads, a lack of readily available services, and the need to carry camping gear and supplies , especially water. Independent long distance touring in Australia is simply not possible if one is dependent on hotels and restaurants. (Increasingly, though , "supported" tours are becoming fashionable, where you pay someone else - usually in a truck - to do the hard part of carrying any equipment you need. You have to be able and willing to pay the bill for that level of service.)
In view of these problems, many Australian cyclists turn to the MTB for independent bicycle travel in our country. So......
The MTB evolved in the 1980's, essentially as a robust off road machine for semi competitive day rides, in the reliably mild weather of California - racing capability was a greater consideration than load carrying capacity; and even today many MTB's have neither racks nor fittings to mount them. The MTB is intended to be an off road bike for relatively short journeys, (probably with a car at each end) - it needs no mudguards, no dynamo lights, little carrying capacity ; in fact, these long distance essentials would get in the way of its intended purpose.
The MTB also has the high bottom bracket that enables a skilled rider to perform spectacular tricks, take corners fast and fly down rocky descents at great speed. That high bottom bracket also means it has very positive, twitchy steering , especially when combined with a short wheel base. These characteristics allow a fast rider (who has the required motivation and concentration ) to ride very quickly through terrain that would be impossible on a TB at the same speed. The current popularity of suspension is for the same purpose, really designed to cater for the very restricted ( and ecologically damaging ) activity of " downhilling". Even though most MTB buyers will never want to do these quite dangerous racing stunts and tricks, retail advertising heavily promotes them and bike shops use them as sales levers to "wannabe’s" who admire those tricks and wish to copy them.
Unfortunately, many other impressionable bike buyers, especially less energetic ones, are oversold by contemporary sales techniques, and surprisingly ignorant bicycle journalism in several countries. For such potential buyers, including the expeditioner, the MTB’s geometry and characteristics are a poor choice.
In terms of componentry too, the modern MTB has little to offer the independent cycle expeditioner, as gear and brake elements become increasingly "disposable", for the sake of quick replacement in racing events where saving time is more important than long term serviceability.
So, while the MTB is well suited to off road bicycle racing, (a limited , short term activity which is fixed in space and time), such a bike is less than ideal for the open-ended nature of extended bicycle touring .
While many recreational cyclists will say they are happy enough with one bike, usually an MTB or "hybrid", many of them will also refuse to ride off sealed roads. This reinforces the observation that it is not possible to have an all-purpose bike - some compromises are necessary in your cycling activity, unless you have several bikes, eg racing/ commuting/ touring/ MTB-ing. It depends how many compromises you are prepared to make. Do you really need the characteristics of ALL the different types of bikes ? Think about what you're going to do, and how often you're going to do it - many people will never want to race, so why have a semi-racing bike ? Other people would never go camping, so why have the capacity for the various extra items that are necessary for camping ?
If however you want a bike to carry you independently more or less anywhere across a range of surfaces, especially for long distances, over an extended period, you may need to consider a "camping" bike. Not least, such a bike makes choosing a route that much easier, as you can simply go where you want to go without worrying too much about surfaces, and also know you can carry supplies and equipment, independently of other support.
As long as you are not interested in winning races, it’s possible to come up with a much better concept than either the (light) tourer or the MTB as an ideal Australian bike. So the choice is not only between a " touring " bike and an MTB. It is - or would be - possible to combine the best elements of both. But , in the face of the concerted hyping of the international bicycle industry, there is little demand for a camping bike which is for the moment a niche market that is almost totally ignored.
steel frame (repairable), as strong as an MTB , but not so heavy.
long wheel base, for heel/pannier clearance, and stability over rough ground
low bottom bracket (for stability, and easy stand over clearance, especially when loaded)
capacity for heavy loads (eg water + food) without excessive frame flex
all braze-on's : four point rack fixings and double eyelets, front and rear etc. Several bottle bosses, dynamo bracket, spoke holders etc
leather saddle, comfortable over long periods, good "sight seeing" riding position
durable, heavy duty wheels ( don't break spokes)
wide tyres , ( for grip and puncture resistance, "go anywhere" capability )
good clearance for mudguards ( bike stays cleaner, clothes and luggage better protected from road grime)
integrated light system, for long term, self sufficient reliability. Storage dynamo lights.
user-serviceable components ( hubs, BB etc) rather than throw away cartridges
friction gear shifters, for serviceability
Mind - Body - Bike
We consider the bicycle the perfect means of transportation since it allows the body to keep pace with the mind

“Viaggi quotidiani su due ruote e manuale di diserzione automobilistica”
“Minima pedalia” è un diario di un non-viaggio durato un anno nel quale l'autore decide di abbandonare la macchina a favore dell'uso della bicicletta per andare al lavoro, oltre 20 chilometri tutti i giorni. Dopo le prime “faticose” giornate di rodaggio, dove il protagonista deve trovare la sua nuova dimensione e confrontarsi con la nuova realtà, le altre giornate diventano continue e sempre diverse avventure."
Un piccolo assaggioLeggi in anteprima alcuni estratti dal volume:
Addio alle auto
Tempi meteorologici
La bici e lo spirito
Una riflessione
La strada per Istanbul Tre uomini in bici: Altan, Paolo Rumiz, Emilio Rigatti. Un disegnatore, un giornalista, e un insegnante, uniti da un sogno a pedali, sul quale brilla in lontananza una mezzaluna turca attraverso i minareti di Istanbul. In fondo al viaggio, la birra più buona del mondo, quella che si trova alla fine di duemila chilometri di strada attraverso la Slovenia, la Croazia, la Serbia, la Bulgaria e la Turchia.
Questo libro è nato così, per narrare una lunga e meravigliosa pedalata dalla cosmopolita Trieste alla città dai tre nomi – Bisanzio, Costantinopoli, Istanbul – in caccia di paesaggi, uomini, incontri, e di un modo di viaggiare più vicino al pellegrinaggio che al turismo.
Album fotografico
La Via hacia Estambul

A cena era presente Emilio Rigatti, che insieme a Rumiz e Altan lo scorso anno ha pedalato da Trieste a Istambul. Del viaggio ha scritto il libro "La strada per Istambul". Domani mattina pedalerà con noi fino a Mestre.
Le ciclovie del Signore sono infinite
Le ciclovie del Signore sono infinite. In una di queste, sabato scorso, vi ho incontrato Emilio Rigatti, professore di lettere, scrittore ma soprattutto esploratore di orizzonti, rivoluzionario ciclista, disertore dal grande esercito degli inscatolati.
La diserzione automobilisticaintervista a Emilio Rigatti

VoIP on a bike
A bicycle-powered, Linux-based VoIP system brings developing communities into the 21st century.
A bicycle-powered, Linux (Overview, Articles, Company)-based VoIP system: not your usual high-tech architecture. But what if you were one of the more than 1 billion people living without electricity? No power, no phone.
The mission of Inveneo, a nonprofit group of inveterate high-tech adventurers, is to bring developing communities that never reached a 20th century level of infrastructure into the 21st century. Its bicycle-powered system brings not just VoIP but also e-mail and Web browsing to remote areas, using a combination of Linux and the Asterisk (Overview, Articles, Company) open source PBX.
Inveneo puts everything together with off-the-shelf hardware that is low-cost, easily replaced, and — it is hoped — easy to troubleshoot and fix. It uses Wi-Fi networking to route traffic to a central hub with existing phone infrastructure, with a range as far as 100 miles.
The bicycle, mostly used as a backup to solar power, gives the rider one hour on the phone for every 15 minutes of work. In a village, a user might trade pedaling time for phone time — or get paid by someone who wants to use the phone but doesn’t want to work so hard.
The lack of or the unreliability of power and phone lines as well as the high cost of access to existing infrastructure severely limit the ability of NGOs to provide services. Communities are isolated and depend on intermediaries for information - often leading e.g. to weak bargaining positions. This can lead to undervaluing the prices of their crops or paying too high of prices for materials they require.
Inveneo has designed a communications network that allows NGOs and the supported communities to communicate between various stations as well as into the existing phone network and Internet. The
stations provide computing and phone capabilities while operating with battery power charged from solar panels or bicycle generators. Wireless networking (WiFi / 802.11x) provides the communication between the various stations and the central hub. Voice over IP (VoIP) is used to transmit phone calls from the stations to the hub. The
central hub provides the interface to the existing phone network (PSTN) and Internet. Through use of
relay stations the reach of the wireless network can be extended to cover distances of up to approximately 60 km (37 miles) from central hub to the stations.
Aqui un Macondo desatado en el Foro de Lonely Planet por cuenta de un cicloturista posudo que le dio por usar este espacio como buzon de Lonely Hearts. Por el tono un tanto arrogante y conquistador recibio un par de comentarios mamagallistas, el hombre respondio bravo, le siguieron dando cuerda, peló el cobre, se salió de la ropa y se convirtio en el hazmerreir de la comunidad forista internacional pues termino amenazando hasta el moderador. Un suceso insolito de la Web registrado aun en paginas nerdas que nada que ver con ciclismo o viajes. Yo encontre el
Link al thread en el Web Watch de The Guardian. Es surreal y muy gracioso el humor negro de los demás foristas en medio del patetismo de la situación inicial.
Aqui va la cita del posting original.
"...Be everything as it may, this transcontinental, international cyclotouriste is navigating to locate a good companion for an extended bicycling tour. Good is defined as---female, healthy, cyclist, with a sense of bold adventure, and the willingness to be compatable on an extended world tour with yours truly.
Starting time is---not any time soon.
Route is---to be decided by those on tour---you and me.
Length of time is---to be decided.
I be fifty-three, healthy, six feet, 180 pounds, good looking but nothing to get all up in the air about, blond receding hair, green eyes, university grad., writer, teacher. Can work in exotic locations and have done so, easy to get along with, adventurous, survivor, world traveler. Have bicycled thirty thousand miles through nineteen countries---USA, Canada, Mexico, western Europe, eastern Europe, former Soviet Union, China, south Korea..."
Design specific for long distance touring - Rider specific, full custom geometry
- MSRP $1600
- Design specific for long distance touring
- Size specific tubing to assure uniform ride quality throughout the range of sizes
- All tubes are sealed except the seat tube to minimize corrosion and enhance frame longevity
Seat Tube and Frame Maintenance - Rack mounts and low rider mounts included

Bruce Gordon Rock N' Road Tour
Designed for serious loaded touring, with tubing and frame geometry that ensures a stable ride.
Versatile - 700c geometry will accept standard road tires, as well as the fattest 700x45c off-road capable tires.
Can be ordered with either drop bars or flat. Or you can order it with both kinds of bars with our optional QS2s (Quick Switch System).
Equipped with braze-ons for our 4130 tubular steel racks, 3 water bottle mounts, fender mounts,and cable stops for brakes and gears.
Standard sizes: 38, 41, 44, 47, 50, 53, 56, 59 cm center to center.
Frame and fork TIG welded at Bruce Gordon Cycles, Petaluma, California.
Standard colors: Powder coated in Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Metallic Black.
9 speed DEORE XT equipped $2550.00 (+ freight & assembly)
9 speed DEORE XT equipped w/ racks $2820.00 (+ freight & assembly)
frame & fork - no parts $1350.00 (+ freight & assembly)
Chrome-Moly Rear Rack
"No one builds racks that are as strong, rigid or well finished." - Bicycle Rider
The Bruce Gordon Rear Touring Rack has been called "the Mercedes Benz of racks" by the enthusiasts press. It's easy to see why.
We use different gauges of 4130 chrome-moly steel tubing. Its unique shape is designed to maximize pannier support for unparalleled stability on the road. We even include separate eyelets to facilitate more rigid fender mounting. It is fully adjustable and available in 16 models for a perfect fit on any bicycle. And, in the Bruce Gordon tradition, it looks as good as it performs. In fact, in terms of engineering, construction and outright performance, it sets the standard for the next generation of touring racks.
Features: Machine mitered joints, separate fender mounting eyelets, 4130 chrome-moly tubing (tensile strength 95,000 psi, more than twice that of 6061 T6 aluminum).
Area of pannier support: 81 square inches. Fully adjustable to fit almost any bike. TIG welded by hand.
The Bruce Gordon Rear Touring Rack $159.00

With the Airnimal we have aimed to design a bike that rides like a high-quality machine, yet folds very compactly for travel.
Quickness of folding was not one of our main design criteria, as we thought there are already excellent bikes on the market that achieve this. The challenge was to produce something that rides as well as, if not better than, a 700C road bike or a 26" mtb, but at the same time gives a most compact fold. So we were aiming to achieve both extremes. The challenge was reconciling these two extremes.
"Adventure Cycling Association
is America's bicycle travel inspiration and resource;
creating bike routes, offering bicycle tours,
and publishing the Adventure Cyclist magazine.
Self-contained bike trips are our specialty."
It all started back in 1974 with a group of like-minded, idealistic visionaries who, like H.G. Wells, Albert Einstein, and other great thinkers, believed the world would be a better place if the bicycle played a more important role in it. These idealists not only wanted people to ride bicycles but also to travel very long distances by that mode and to see the nation's landscapes, history, and people from that vantage point.
For a quick look at our organization's history, try this timeline. For even more description, read on.... http://www.adv-cycling.org/

This sequence illustrates how a large road bike equipped with ergo style shifters can be packed. The derailer cables were disconnected using Bruce Gordon cable splitters and the chainring (self extracting) and front brake caliper were removed to facilitate packing. Each bike may pack differently and the method shown here may need to be modified for other bicycles. This bicycle is shown with protective tube covers and compression members removed for easier identification of the frame pieces in this packing sequence. Be sure to adequately protect tubes and components when shipping a bicycle. The chainring was removed due to the large size of the frame. Most bikes do not require removal of the chainring although it can make packing much easier in some situations.

Castelon Cycles and Design
custom titanium touring bike with BTC
A comment from Bob Canon regarding his BTC equipped bike
"I rode my bicycle from Sacramento, California to Missoula, Montana fully loaded with touring equipment during June and July of 1996. One would not even know that there was a set of the BTC's built into its titanium frame until he or she looks down and sees one on the top tube and one on the down tube. The bike rides as I would expect it to if no BTC set was installed."
Bob Canon, TOUR LEADER for Adventure Cycling Association, Oxnard, CA
"Your BTC (Bicycle Torque Coupling) continues to function flawlessly. It is such a beautiful piece of precision manufacturing. I've added another 7000 miles to the bike. It now has gone 17,000 miles and provided wonderful riding comfort"
Bob Canon, TOUR LEADER for Adventure Cycling Association, Oxnard, CA
En enero de 2005 viajamos durante 2 semanas en Bicicleta suiguiendo los caminos menos transitados posibles, evitando autopistas, el asfalto, el turismo masivo en general y los automotores en particular. Liliana Angulo y Alvaro Moreno seguimos la ruta Bogotá - Suesca - Ubate - San Miguel - Raquira - Sachica - Villa de Leiva - Pozo de la Vieja - Gachantiva - Moniquira - Barbosa. Visite la nueva Bitacora de Cicloturismo colombiana dedicada a mis viajes e investigaciones nomádicas.
Name: "Dunkle Schneewolke"frame: steel frame from Generator-Radsport, based on the model Rotor 'Komet'
front suspension: Mazorchi MX Comp ETA suspension forks
seat post: Airwings Evolution suspended seat post
gearing system: Rohloff Speedhub
crankset: Shimano Deore LX HOLLOWTECH II
chain: Rohloff SLT99
rims: Mavic EX 721 CD
spokes: DT Competition
tires: Schwalbe Marathon XR or Schwalbe Black Jack
brakes: Shimano LX V-brakes
front rack: Faiv Hoogar or Faiv Hoogar Plus
rear rack: Tubus Logo Expedition
trailer: BOB Ibex
panniers: Ortlieb front roller and back roller, side pockets, Ultima 3 handle bar bag, saddle bag; rack-pack XL
bottle cages: two bottle cages for water bottles, one bottle cage for PET bottles holding the fuel bottlehttp://www.mountainbike-expedition-team.de/slides/bikes.html

Aeolian Ride is a free event where fifty people wear wind-inflated suits and ride their bikes through cities around the world.
El derecho de usar la bicicleta
Nosotros, los participantes de la Conferencia Mundial sobre la Bicicleta
Vélo Mondial 2000, reunidos en Amsterdam en junio del año 2000, proclamamos que las personas (incluidos los niños) deberían tener el derecho de usar la bicicleta cuando quieran. Declaramos que el uso de la bicicleta requiere una mayor aceptación y promoción por parte de todas las organizaciones pertinentes y de todos los gobiernos en todo el mundo. Hacemos un llamamiento para que se adopten medidas en este sentido.
El uso de la bicicleta aporta muchas ventajas, tanto para el individuo como para la sociedad y el medio ambiente.
La bicicleta, como modo de transporte particular, ofrece un transporte de puerta a puerta que es al mismo tiempo rápido y eficaz:
- la bicicleta ofrece una disponibilidad inmediata y su mantenimiento resulta relativamente barato;
- el tiempo de desplazamiento en bicicleta es previsible; al ciclista no le afecta la congestión del tráfico;
- la bicicleta ofrece intimidad, independencia y libertad; el ciclismo es una actividad emancipadora;
- al ser el ciclismo una forma de ejercicio, mejora la salud física y mental;
- en la cambiante sociedad de hoy día, la bicicleta ofrece una forma de transporte flexible;
- el tráfico en bicicleta mantiene fluido el movimiento de las ciudades y previene o reduce la congestión;
- el uso de la bicicleta amplía el radio de actividad de la gente, independientemente de que sea joven o de avanzada edad, rica o pobre, hombre o mujer;
- el uso de la bicicleta ahorra espacio y dedicarle infraestructura es rentable;
- desplazarse en bicicleta ahorra tiempo y promueve el desarrollo de la economía local;
- un mayor uso de la bicicleta significa un mejor acceso a las oportunidades de empleo, una mayor creación de puestos de trabajo y un mayor nivel de salud pública;
El uso de la bicicleta mejora el entorno donde vive la gente y dinamiza nuestras ciudades:
- la bicicleta es silenciosa, limpia y sostenible;
- el uso de la bicicleta no amenaza ni la naturaleza ni el paisaje;
- los ciclistas son una amenaza insignificante para los demás;
- el uso de la bicicleta no supone ninguna carga para las reservas de combustibles fósiles.
Declaración De Amsterdam
Las bicicletas son un elemento natural del transporte urbano. Las interacciones íntimas y frecuentes que caracterizan la vida urbana son un nicho natural para la bicicleta. La mayoría de los desplazamientos urbanos son apropiados para la bicicleta: la mitad de todos los viajes en el Reino Unido, y el 40 por ciento en Estados Unidos, son inferiores a 3,2 kilómetros. A pesar del crecimiento urbano disperso en Estados Unidos, más de la cuarta parte de todos los viajes son inferiores a 1.600 metros, según el Departamento de Transporte de EE UU. Los ciudadanos consideran que estas distancias son apropiadas para las bicicletas. La mayoría de los norteamericanos encuestados considera que los desplazamientos inferiores a 3 kilómetros son apropiados para las bicicletas, mientras que los holandeses las usan para un tercio de los desplazamientos de entre 2 y 5 kilómetros.
Los viajes urbanos también se caracterizan por las velocidades bajas y el escaso espacio de aparcamiento; ambos factores favorecen a la bicicleta. Las velocidades de las bicicletas varían de una ciudad a otra, pero son competitivas con los automóviles en los viajes urbanos de unos 2 kilómetros, y a menudo en distancias más largas. De hecho, cuando la velocidad es importante en distancias cortas, como los servicios de mensajería o la entrega de pizzas, muchas empresas las prefieren a los automóviles. Y comparadas con el transporte público, son superiores en desplazamientos más largos. En Beijing las bicicletas son más rápidas que el autobús o el metro para los viajes inferiores a 6 kilómetros y son competitivas con el transporte público en desplazamientos de hasta 10 kilómetros.
Ciertamente las bicicletas no siempre son apropiadas para todas las personas o desplazamientos. Para los ancianos o los padres con niños pequeños es improbable que el ciclismo sea viable para muchas de sus necesidades. Igualmente, las ciudades con fuertes pendientes o con clima lluvioso o húmedo no son muy apropiadas. Pero en la mayoría de las ciudades, pueden jugar un valioso papel en una
gran variedad de desplazamientos.
Ventajas ComparativasVer
Uso ActualVer
Longitud De Recorrido y
Condiciones MeteorológicasVer
Complementación IntermodalVer
Seguridad Versus Salud
Bicycle Touring 101: Welcome to your next bicycle touring adventure!
Bicycle touring refers to using a bicycle to travel long distances carrying whatever gear you believe you need in the process.
This section will cover off both what touring is and why people tour. Common concerns like safety, wildlife and weather are discusses as well as how far people actual travel using bicycles.
There are numerous ways to tour so a page has been included to give you a sense of the huge variety of touring methods available.
Moni Neville stepped forward to provide her own explanation of what touring is. Moni just recently completed crossing the United States from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean by bicycle.
Here's what she had to say....
"Touring is about discovering areas while riding my bike either alone or with others.
It is seeing a GREAT sunset, sunrise, view or whatever, while out on a sometimes lonely road and marveling about it.
Taking the time, to get off the bike, and just look and explore.
Talking to strangers, either on the side of the road, at a roadside stand, while visiting a library or in a grocery store. Letting them know, how much you enjoy the time you spend in their area, and realizing how pleased those folks are to find out someone likes it where they live!
Touring is about letting go of fears and possesions.
Really there is nothing to fear while out riding. There is a nice side in EVERYONE, sometimes it is just hard to find.
Possessions, well, all one really needs while touring is what one has on ones bike. Really. All the stuff you have at home is overflow. And, in reality, if someone was to take something off your bike, they might need it more then you.
So far I have never missed anything off my bike when I left it parked outside for any length of time. Usually I watch it but not always.
Lots of times, I find people, even kids looking my rig over when I return. Nice reason to chat with them and enlighten them about bicycle touring.
Touring is also about spending lots of time with my daughter. We tour often together and realize just how much we depend on each other during our trips.
Lots of times we finish each others sentences and we share laughs, clothes and shelter.
Life is easy on the road! One gets to ride ones bike every day except the days we take as rest days. Even then we get to spend time with our bike cleaning and lubing and such.
That is mostly what touring is about for me!"
Moni Neville
Ciclo LInks
Deutschland per Rad entdecken – Radrouten, RadregionenReisetipps: Deutschland per Rad entdecken – Radrouten, Radregionen und mehr
Millions of visitors to Germany have already discovered that exploring the country by bike can be both relaxing and exciting. Here, you can find a selection of the most beautiful long-distance bicycle routes and regions including route descriptions, maps, sightseeing attractions and tips. Therefore, the federal states of Germany present themselves by means of their long-distance bicycle routes.
http://www.germany-tourism.de/biking/index.htmlcycle maps directory - A UK directory of official council cycle maps on the web
http://www.cyclemaps.org.uk/SustransSustrans is a charity that works on practical projects to encourage people to walk, cycle and use public transport. Changing the way we travel now by increasing the amount people walk and cycle will improve our lives in the future. Clearer roads, cleaner air and a healthier environment, improved personal wellbeing and better quality of life – they're all achievable.
http://www.sustrans.org.uk/pedestrian and bicycle information center
The PBIC is a clearinghouse for information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement and access and mobility. The PBIC serves anyone interested in pedestrian and bicycle issues, including planners, engineers, private citizens, advocates, educators, police enforcement and the health community.
http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/Bicycle Touring 101: Welcome to your next bicycle touring adventure!
http://www.bicycletouring101.com/Car Songs

We are the country’s largest group of people on bikes. Our mission is ‘to make cycling enjoyable, safe and welcoming for all.’
CTC - Site MapPhoto Gallery
Compañeros ciclistas chilenos dan ejemplo de organización:
"...Equilibrándonos entre fierros, cemento y sudor Nos desplazamos por diferentes caminos o lugares En busca del destino esquivo que nos atrae a seguir la huella encontrada Cada cual con sus diferentes motivaciones Nos observamos, Con ojos brillantes y corazones palpitantes. Cabalgamos en nuestros corceles de metal Los cuales nos libera del tiempo Y nos acercan a nuestros orígenes..."
Thorn Raven Tour: Gran Bici de Viaje
Thorn Raven TourLa fabrica britanica Thorn produce los marcos en acero de una de las bicis más confiables y resistentes del mundo para el touring y las completa con una variedad de componentes de alta calidad, siempre a la medida de cada cliente. En el caso de la Raven se trata de una linea Torn especial para el uso de cambios Rohloff. Ya volveremos sobre este revolucionario invento aleman que transforma nuestra relación con las relaciones de la bici.
En la foto se trata de una versión inusual y bizarramente personalizada por Sheldon Brown el inefable cruzado de la bicicleta en la Web y en el asfalto.
Los infos a continuación vienen del distribuidor londinense Saint John´s Cycles, quien se especializa en configurar ciclas de touring y expedición, parte por parte, a la medida de cada viajero.
Catalogo en PDF (alta resolución)Catalogo en PDF (baja resolución)http://www.sheldonbrown.org/thorn/images/raven11.jpg

"...CIUDAD HUMANA es una Fundación sin ánimo de lucro que promueve la construcción participativa de ciudades sostenibles donde el centro de reflexión y acción sea lo humano.
Nuestra Misión:
Promover en la ciudadanía un cambio estructural en la mentalidad y en la práctica de lo urbano con el fin de mejorar su nivel de vida y consolidar ciudades sostenibles, equitativas, prósperas y humanas.
Nuestro compromiso es con la ciudad y la ciudadanía, por esto trabamos altruista y holísticamente sus diferentes dimensiones, desde una perspectiva inter y transdisciplinaria para abordar toda su complejidad, logrando una aproximación participativa, transversal, plural y dinámica..."
Si en los humedales Una opción de vida: las ciclorrutas vinculadas a los humedales. Fundación Ciudad Humana - Empresa de Acueducto Y Alcantarillado de Bogotá. Bogotá 2004
Informes para la venta: e-mail: info@ciudadhumana.org Teléfono: (571) 5426637 / Telefax: (571)5424398 / Dirección: Calle 71#6-57 oficina 401 / Bogotá - Colombia.
La Bicicleta como medio de transporte humanizante.El origen de esta red se remonta a mayo de 2002, con la incorporación a la lista
cicloamerica (YahooGroups) de diversas personas y organizaciones afines a la temática de la Bicicleta como medio de transporte humanizante en América.
Sin embargo, ya de antes veníamos percatándonos que nuestras experiencias locales, nuestras pequeñas luchas cotidianas, son lo suficientemente parecidas como para compartirlas y tomarse ideas prestadas mutuamente, o para anticiparse a los mismos problemas. Nos "visitábamos" en la Red, nos "infiltrábamos" en los foros virtuales de cada agrupación conocida, sin dejar de asombranos por las similitudes y de preguntarnos por qué no aunar el entusiasmo.
Así, de manera simbólica, asociamos los variados proyectos de Vías Verdes a lo largo de toda América (que eventualemente estarán interconectadas) con esta Red de voluntades. Una cosa se confundió con la otra, porque en el fondo el proyecto era el mismo: América sobre dos ruedas (hasta tres, o en su defecto, dos piernas smile).
Esto último puede sonar absolutista... pero ustedes ya saben: Hay que apuntar más alto para obtener lo necesario. Quizá sólo bastaría con un respeto mínimo, en las vías y socialmente hablando. Que uno pudiera optar libremente por los beneficios que trae este medio de transporte sin contar con todas esas fuerzas disuasivas que conocemos. Saldrían todos ganando. Y los que pierdan por haber invertido en tecnologías no-sustentables, por lo menos respirarían mejor, no? wink
Por ahora, han estado definidos escuétamente por la frase que subtitula el nombre de la red: "intercambio de información, experiencias y ayuda mutua", y así hemos funcionado a través de la lista de correo, principalmente como medio de intercambio de información.
Estamos haciendo planes para reunirnos próximamente en el Congreso Ciclo América 2004 y establecer más acabadamente los objetivos de nuestra red, y en qué términos pretendemos alcanzarlos.
ITDP: The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy
Bike Use in Bogota Jumps 900%, Boosts Local Bike Retailers
"...Bogotá, COLOMBIA-- Sales of Trek, GT, Schwinn, Bianchi and Giant have increased 80% at Bici Ruta, a bike retailer in Bogotá, Colombia. Bici Ruta is not the only retailer who is selling increasing numbers of bikes and accessories; business is booming for bike dealers throughout Bogotá, a city of 7 million people. Why the sudden jump?..."
"...This year, Bogotá completed a network of "Ciclo-Rutas", 300 kilometers of bicycle paths, the most extensive dedicated bike path network in the world. The new paths, coupled with other bike promotion measures, have caused a 900% increase in cycling. In 1997 only 0.5% of the population used the bicycle as a means of transportation, today more than 5% do it..."
La Misión del
ITDPThe Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) was founded in 1985 to promote environmentally sustainable and equitable transportation policies and projects worldwide. ITDP was created by leading sustainable transport advocates in the U.S. to counteract promotion of the U.S. model of costly and
environmentally damaging dependence on the private automobile in developing countries and countries in transition.
Diez consejos básicos para evitar accidentesAdaptación del texto How to not get hit by cars, de Michael Bluejay, www.bicyclesafe.comEsta página te muestra la manera en que pueden atropellarte y cómo evitarlo. Una queja típica sobre las guías de seguridad ciclista habituales es que suelen aconsejar poca cosa aparte de que lleves el casco y respetes las normas de tráfico. Pero fíjate en lo siguiente: llevar un casco no servirá en absoluto para prevenir que un coche te atropelle. Por supuesto, el casco puede ayudar si te atropellan y es una buena idea llevarlo, pero tu primer objetivo debería ser evitar que te atropellen antes que nada. A muchos ciclistas los atropellan a pesar de que llevaban casco. Irónicamente, si hubieran ido sin casco pero hubieran seguido los consejos que se ofrecen más abajo quizá no habrían sufrido un accidente. No confundas llevar un casco con ir seguro. Más vale prevenir. Lo mejor es que no te atropellen.
El consejo “sigue las normas de tráfico” por sí solo no es muy práctico porque es demasiado evidente: la mayoría de la gente es consciente de que es estúpido saltarse un semáforo en rojo cuando hay tráfico cruzando.
El otro problema con el mensaje “sigue las normas de tráfico” es que la gente puede pensar que eso es todo lo que necesita hacer. Pero seguir las normas no es suficiente para circular con seguridad, ni mucho menos. Veamos un ejemplo: la típica guía de seguridad te dirá que señalices siempre tus giros. Aunque es una buena idea, ¿por qué no te dice que si estás en una posición donde un coche tiene que saber que estás a punto de cruzar para no chocar contigo, eres un excelente candidato a que te atropellen? Incluso si señalizas.
(Evidentemente, saltarse un stop cuando no hay tráfico cruzando no es peligroso necesariamente, pero no podemos recomendarte que lo hagas porque contraviene las normas de tráfico, no porque sea peligroso. Debes entender la diferencia. Por supuesto, respeta las normas de circulación, pero entiende por qué lo haces.)
Transcribimos a continuación, una nota extractada con autorización, de la página de la Asociación Cicloturista www.pedalibre.org. Los peligros del tránsito urbano en las grandes ciudades españolas, no difieren mucho de los que nos encontramos día a día en Buenos Aires y distintos conglomerados de Argentina. He aquí una serie de consejos a tener en cuenta para disminuir las probabilidades de sufrir un accidente.
Tipo de choque 1: EL CRUCE POR LA DERECHA
Tipo de choque 2: LA PUERTA
Tipo de choque 3: SEMÁFORO EN ROJO
Tipo de choque 4: El GIRO A LA DERECHA
Tipo de choque 5: EL GIRO A LA DERECHA, segunda parte
Tipo de choque 6: EL CRUCE A LA IZQUIERDA
Tipo de choque 8: EL ATROPELLO POR DETRÁS (segunda parte)
- Evita las calles concurridas
- Enciende las luces
- Circula como si fueras invisible
- Ocupa el carril completo cuando sea necesario
Ahora vamos a aprender cómo evitar que nos atropellen.
Riding Confidently, Legally and Safely This compact tutorial, available as a 46-page booklet and this online version, will increase your safety and confidence while bicycling on any road, whether you are a beginner or an expert. You'll have more fun and feel better about riding, be it for pleasure, fitness or transportation. See below for information about obtaining copies of the printed version.
This manual teaches safe bicycling techniques on public roads and streets, but it's up to you to apply them appropriately. Users of this manual assume full responsibly for their own actions and safety.
MAMADOS DE LOS CARROSEs una iniciativa neoyorkina de activistas de la movilidad alternativa que defiende los derechos de los
usuarios libres de carro en las calles.
ManifestoThe Need for More CyclistsNo Place To Run (Or Even Walk)http://www.cars-suck.org
Bici Alternativas
El Cicloturismono solo se refiere al viajar en bicicleta por campos o ciudades, sino a una actitud radicalmente diferente respecto al concepto de movilidad misma.
Bikeforestpromueve la bicicleta y otros vehiculos de tracción humana como formas viables de transporte. Garantizan una alta variedad de vehiculos de tracción humana bien mantenidos, y de origen de fabricación igualmente variado para ofrecer un sabor de las diferentes opciones disponibles actualmente.
"...We recognize that different people have different priorities and needs. So as new bikes are selected, we'll try to ensure that the collection reflects this broad range of interests. And don't worry; while we recognize the importance of such things as speed, and comfort, we still think one of the best things about bikes is that they are just so much FUN!..."
Links a la Historia de la Bici

La Invención de la Bicicleta es el suceso histórico que permite entender mejor los aspectos revolucionarios de la modernidad. Una Revolución Industrial liderada por el amor al oficio, los saberes nómades y las destresas artesanales.
La Bicicleta, ese medio ....
Desarrollo de la Bici e Historia Local
Bicycle Manufacturing in Wolverhampton Bicycles were developed from the hobby-horses and velocipedes that appeared in France in the late 1770s. The rider had a steerable front wheel and sat astride the vehicle with both feet reaching the ground. The machine was propelled by the rider's feet, with a running action. Speeds of 7 or 8m.p.h. could be attained. In the early 1840s, Kirkpatric McMillan developed a pedal powered hobby-horse. The pedals were connected to the rear wheel by rods and cranks on each side of the wheel. The safety bicycle was patented by John Lawson in September 1879. It had a small front wheel and larger rear wheel with a pedal and chain drive. The bicycle with equally sized front and rear wheels was developed by John Kemp and William Sutton in around 1884. It first appeared in their 'Rover' machines, which were built at Coventry.
Sabía acerca de la producción de bicicletas de Bambú?
Galapagos BrooksLegendarios e insuperables sillines ingleses de cuero. Aptos para viajar y realizar Tours de extrema duración. Estos galapagos han evolucionado 150 años junto a la bicicleta moderna. Fundada en 1865 por John Boultbee Brooks, hijo de un fabricante de sillas de montar a caballo. John quizo transferir a la silla del Velocipedo la tradición tecnologica desarrollada por generaciones para los jinetes del imperio.
(Imagen de un viejo sillin clasico)Narración detallada de la experiencia de usuario con un sillín Brooks sín suspensión
What Correspondants Have Said About The B 17BROOKS ENGLAND
http://www.brookssaddles.com/Baggins Adam Saddle Bag

Ya que la carga no le conviene a la espalda tanto como a la estructura de la cicla misma, antes de una solucion de soportes de carga adicionales - como las parrillas y las canastas - esta la posibilidad del marco mismo.
http://www.rivendellbicycles.com/webalog/baggage_racks/20079.htmlCiclas de la Calle de San Juan (en Londres, si. Pero en línea tambien)
Que en las capitales del mundo existan tiendas de bicicleta como enormes palacios con repertorios no soñados desde las provincias es algo obvio. Pero que alguna de las grandes tiendas ponga en línea el grueso del catalogo, no es usual. Generalmente te conectan con la web de la casa fabricante y de allí hay que enlazar a los vendedores al detal.
St. John's Street Cycleshttp://www.sjscycles.com/
A bicycle ride along the Andes
On Jan 23rd I arrived in Ushuaia, 101 cycling days and 7574 km since my departure from La Paz in Bolivia several months earlier. I spent 480 hours in the saddle achieving this distance and climbed over 80 vertical kilometres! The site contains short diary entries, longer articles, pictures, sound and video from places I visited along the way. Within
each section you can choose from what to display based on country, region or place.

Pedaleando y
Blogueando, salieron dos jovenes hermanas britanicas con la idea de viajar desde Londres hasta Sidney por sus propios medios.
(On the 1st July 2005 my sister and I embarked on a 25,000 kilometre bike ride from London to Sydney)Blog de Kirahttp://kiraaskaroff.blogspot.com/Blog de Katrinahttp://katrinaaskaroff.blogspot.com/NOTA:
En este momento no esta funcionando bien el servicio de puesta de imágenes en blogspot y estos son los links para acceder a algunas:
Foto del equipo en casa de la madre.http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1440/762/1600/DSC024261.JPGSisters to Sydney--world cycling expedition homepage!http://www.cyclingtosydney.com/Foto de Katrina y Kira